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Following the Covid 19 pandemic, biosecurity protocols have become increasingly important in all daily activities in Connecticut. Especially with the elderly, it is essential to take precautionary measures to avoid contagion. At Nutmeg Senior Rides, we take special care when providing transportation services in Connecticut. You can be confident that Nutmeg Senior Rides provides the best guarantees for the best senior transportation service in Connecticut.

Covid 19 Response by Nutmeg Senior Riders

COVID-19 Vehicle Cleaning

Rider well-being is a top concern for us and we strive to support them in the best, safest ways we can. For this reason East-West Engineering, PLLC (East-West) has developed these COVID-19 vehicle cleaning procedures in conjunction with Nutmeg Senior Rides, Inc. (Nutmeg) to adequately clean and disinfect surfaces to remove and kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19.

How is COVID-19 Spread?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person to person, including between people who are physically near each other (within about 6 feet). People who are infected but do not show symptoms can also spread the virus to others. Although less common, a person could also get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. This can occur when respiratory droplets or particles from an infected person lands on surfaces. The virus can remain viable for days on surfaces after the initial deposit, which is why frequent and proper cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is very important in mitigating the spread of COVID-19.

CDC Cleaning Guidelines

The CDC has issued recommendations on the cleaning and disinfection of non-emergency transport vehicles1. These recommendations include the following: At a minimum, clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces in the vehicle at the beginning and end of each shift and between transporting passengers who are visibly sick. Ensure that cleaning and disinfection procedures are followed consistently and correctly, including the provision of adequate ventilation when chemicals are in use. Doors and windows should remain open when cleaning the vehicle. When cleaning and disinfecting, individuals should wear disposable gloves compatible with the products being used as well as any other PPE required according to the product manufacturer’s instructions. · For hard non-porous surfaces within the interior of the vehicle such as hard seats, arm rests, door handles, seat belt buckles, light and air controls, doors and windows, and grab handles, clean with detergent or soap and water if the surfaces are visibly dirty, prior to disinfectant application. For disinfection of hard, non-porous surfaces, appropriate disinfectants include:

Icon Soap by Nutmeg Senior Riders

- EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (List N). Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method, and contact time for all cleaning and disinfection products. The cleaner currently in use at Nutmeg, In-Cide V.5 Disinfectant by TheoChem Labs (EPA Registration No. 10324-85), is one of these approved disinfectants. An excerpt of EPA’s List N including the In-Cide cleaner is attached.

- Diluted household bleach solutions prepared according to the manufacturer’s label for disinfection, if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser.

- Alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol.

Covid 19 Response by Nutmeg Senior Riders

· For soft or porous surfaces such as fabric seats, remove any visible contamination, if present, and clean with appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces. After cleaning, use products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 and that are suitable for porous surfaces. Again, the cleaner currently in use at Nutmeg, In-Cide V.5 Disinfectant by TheoChem Labs, is one of these approved disinfectants.

· For frequently touched electronic surfaces, such as tablets or touch screens used in the vehicle, remove visible dirt, then disinfect following the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products. If no manufacturer guidance is available, consider the use of alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol to disinfect.

Despite the type of surface being cleaned, porous or non-porous, it is important that the approved disinfectant be allowed to soak or sit on the surface for the manufacturer’s recommended contact time before wiping off the surface. For the In-Cide V.5 Disinfectant, the recommended contact time is 10 minutes. Gloves and any other disposable PPE used for cleaning and disinfecting the vehicle should be removed and disposed of after cleaning; wash hands immediately after removal of gloves and PPE with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

These cleaning procedures may be revised in the future as CDC or EPA guidelines change.
East-West Engineering, PLLC