In emergencies or crises in Connecticut, the elderly are among the most vulnerable group due to the high incidence of chronic diseases (most of them disabling), due to the low economic income caused by their inactivity from work, and because of the loneliness in which they tend to live for the independence or migration of children.
This being the case, it is urgent to take preventive measures and prepare actions for when the emergency arrives. Nutmeg Senior Rides is the best option for senior transportation in Connecticut.
Nutmeg Senior Rides believes that it is essential that, in crisis and emergencies, families and communities actively participate in the care and protection of this population group in Connecticut.
Therefore, we have thought of these actions as suggestions to accompany and help the elderly during these circumstances:
1. Keep in touch with the senior
Whether it is your family member or your neighbor, the first thing you must do to be supportive and help them is to keep in contact with them and establish a communication bridge with their family.
Your company and words of encouragement represent enormous comfort to them, as these emergencies produce confusion and anxiety. Sharing time with family members in Connecticut is fundamental. Nutmeg Senior Rides provides senior transportation in Connecticut to make it possible.
2. Create a support network in your community
Neighborhood groups on WhatsApp, Telegram, or other messaging platforms can be excellent tools for fostering communication and solidarity among community members.
Motorizing help to elderly neighbors through this channel can speed up the arrival of help to those who need it. Spending time with seniors is fundamental. For this reason, Nutmeg Senior Rides provides senior transportation in Connecticut to make families join.
3. Prepare an emergency kit for the elderly
The famous bag that is usually advised to have prepared in case of disasters should include some particular things when there is an older adult at home.
For example, you must include your medicines in sufficient quantities and the telephone numbers of relatives and treating doctors in an accessible place. Nutmeg Senior Rides is ready to provide senior transportation in Connecticut.
It should also include wet towels and that object that the older adult associates with his routine, with his daily life, so that there is an element that conveys that he is in a trustworthy environment. This preparation is fundamental for seniors in Connecticut.
On the other hand, it is essential to listen to them, trying to understand their particular needs and, of course, considering their capacities and desires to collaborate in some way in the management and solution of the emergency.
These are some general recommendations we can make from Nutmeg Senior Rides in Connecticut, but of course, it depends on the particular conditions.
Ultimately, it is about having the time and desire to share it with that older adult who, in emergencies, is usually one of the most vulnerable. You can also add in collaboration with our volunteering options to create an impact in their lives in Connecticut! Nutmeg Senior Rides provides excellent options for volunteering in Connecticut in different cities or towns such as: Volunteering in Bloomfield Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in East granby Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in East windsor Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in Enfield Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in Granby Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in Somers Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in South windsor Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in Suffield Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in Windsor Connecticut, CT, Volunteering in Windsor locks Connecticut, CT
Nutmeg Senior Rides, helps you go everywhere you need in Connecticut, whether in West Suffield CT, Bloomfield CT, South Windsor CT, Somers CT, Enfield CT, Vernon CT, Granby CT, East Granby CT, Suffield CT, Windsor Locks CT, or East Windsor CT. If you need transportation in Connecticut, do not hesitate to contact us.