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Non-expensive transportation services for seniors

Old man in a comfortable bus Nutmeg Senior Rides by Nutmeg Senior Riders

For a senior, it is crucial to have several transportation options since they’re probably unable to drive anymore. Nutmeg Senior Rides provides the best service transportation in the following areas: Senior transportation in Bloomfield Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in East granby Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in East windsor Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in Enfield Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in Granby Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in Somers Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in South windsor Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in Suffield Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in Windsor Connecticut, CT, Senior transportation in Windsor locks Connecticut, CT

Seniors present different necessities due to aging, including regular visits to the doctor, weekend familiar reunions, or other interests such as religion, clubs, friend visiting, etc.

Regularly, they struggle because they’re ashamed of asking for rides when it should be a normalized and assigned service for this social group.

For occasional trips, it is normal to ask a friend or family member if they can drive you. In other cases, offer to pay them when the trips are regular. Nutmeg Senior Rides is ready to provide the transportation required in Connecticut.

Sometimes nonprofit organizations like Nutmeg Senior Rides, churches, and synagogues have volunteer drivers that will offer rides for a minimum amount or some others for free. And there are always taxis, although the drivers may not help older passengers on the door-to-door journey. Considering all these factors, Nutmeg Senior Rides provides transportation for seniors in Connecticut.

We present other options in case you’re not familiar with the previously mentioned:

  • Private vehicle service with driver. If your loved one needs regular trips and assistance, consider hiring a reputable private chauffeured car service that allows you to arrange trips in advance will be a specific option when your familiar is often needing rides.

  • Transportation services for older adults offered by the residences. If your loved one lives in a caregiving facility, ask about the transportation services they provide to residents, whether it's for weekly shopping or other social outings like attending a meeting club, visiting an old friend or a family member.

  • Dial-a-Ride Program (telephone request for transportation), van services, and carpooling. Often, these services are provided by trucking companies or non-profit organizations that operate along specific routes. To find a service in your area, use the Eldercare Locator Senior Service Locator (

  • Public transport. Depending on your loved one's health and the options available in your community, the bus, subway, or train may be a viable alternative, perhaps after taking a few trial trips together for having both of you familiar with the lines and routes.

  • Paratransit Service (Transportation system for people with disabilities). This system of buses, vans, cars, and trains provides a service to those who cannot use regular public transport. Contact the transportation provider in your area for eligibility conditions.

If it is a severe case in which it is necessary to transfer the patient to the hospital, the transfer is carried out by a medical ambulance at no additional cost.

In any case, Nutmeg Senior Rides is always available, 365 days of the year, and for your loved ones, this service is always the best choice because of the particularity of our rides: they’re fun, safe, and affordable.

Nutmeg Senior Rides, helps you go everywhere you need in Connecticut, whether you need senior transportation in West Suffield Connecticut, senior transportation in Bloomfield Connecticut, senior transportation in South Windsor Connecticut, senior transportation in Somers Connecticut, senior transportation in Enfield Connecticut, senior transportation in Vernon Connecticut, senior transportation in Granby Connecticut, senior transportation in East Granby Connecticut, senior transportation in Suffield Connecticut, senior transportation in Windsor Locks Connecticut, or senior transportation in East Windsor Connecticut. If you need transportation in Connecticut do not hesitate to contact us.


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